New Adventure...

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Hey everyone... o0BeaTheBrat0o GossipGirl here. IT's been a loooong while since I last updated this blog... It's been busy RL (changing one's career path is really is a one messed up ride to get on!). But now that I'm getting settled, I may be online more often.
You guys are probably wondering why I put "New Adventure" as a title. That's because I am announcing to all that I'm venturing on another blogging project.
My own.
It's not yet up but I will be formally introducing my blog here in FFSL.

We will not abandon FFSL! It'll still be up and running. (That's to put any impending rumor to rest.. haha)

Ciao for now, when I comeback again, my paper doll adventure will begin. ^_^

o0BeaTheBrat0o GossipGirl