Make Him Over Hunt pt. 1


As promised, We'll make a post about the things we got at the Make Him Over Hunt. The very purpose of this hunt is to, well as the title implies, give the SL Men a make over! So for the post today we decide to show you the different type of SL guys (and well it can be applicable to RL guys too)! To do it easily, I enlisted the help of my friend Drift Twine!

Note/Disclaimer: You still have to find the male sign. the LM's provided are not the exact locations to avoid conflicts that may arise with the designers and hunt organizers. Cheers!
-o0BeaTheBrat0o GossipGirl

A rocker on his down time...
Hair: .::MADesigns Hair::. ~ SLIDE ~ unreleased (MHOH#1:Vote for this symbol! Maybe it will make you a VIP. Think up not down.)
MADesigns EYES - INTENSE - timid
(MHOH#1:Vote for this symbol! Maybe it will make you a VIP. Think up not down.)
Cardigan: *Jetcity* Cardigan (2L)
rt: *Jetcity* Real T-shirt (2L)
*Jetcity* Black denim (2L)
Necklace: (luc) Prayer Rosary Mens Brown (lucky chair, changes every 20minutes)
Earrings and Earcuffs: *Jetcity* Piass (2L)
Watch: Watch Shop Watches - Glow in Dark Watch for Men MHO (MHOH #48:
Go inside and hunt there.)
Shoes: :::LiNe::: NW Chucks (MHOH#10: Put your best foot forward.

Think Anthony Keidis.
Pants, Kilt and Belt: Color Me Chaos - Grunge and Natural Kilt (MHOH#4: If you find this you will be 'beaming'.)
*kARNAL rAGE* - Celtic Heart Tattoo (MHOH#14: Look up!)
Necklace: *LacieCakes* - Tagged Silver (mens) Guns (MHOH#23: Make sure you are in the male area.)

A sexier version of Bam Margera..
Shirt: [SS] Play-Boi Tee (All [SS] items are MHOH#2: Check the rigging)
[SS] Dirty-ish Blue Jeans
[SS] Bounty Hunter Chain Necklace
Watch: [SS] Sinner watch 3.6
BeReal // Linez Sneaker (MHOH#2: I feel to hairy, time for a shave.)

He's the guy you go to school/office for everyday..
Skin: Signature Skins - <> FADE_TONE 2_CHIN PATCH by: Simple Spad (not free but worth every linden!)
INDI Designs MHOH Gift (MHOH#38: Go to the mens department)

He has the makings of a Neo-Hippie...
Skin: Signature Skins - <> FADE_TONE 2_CHIN PATCH by: Simple Spad (not free but worth every linden!)
Shirt: *EROS* Greggor - Grey Shirt (MHOH#25: Locate the mens department.)
::Maschienenwerk:: Black-Detroit *Jeans (low-rise) (0L)

BeReal // Linez Sneaker (MHOH#2: I feel to hairy, time for a shave.)

He's the laid back type of guy that you'd hang out with at home on a saturday night.
Shirt: Alphamale - Polo shirt - Brown promotional item (MHOH#8: Anyone need a polo shirt?)
::Maschienenwerk:: Dark-Brown_Jeans (low-rise) (0L)

[ hoorenbeek ] Converse - Men - Beige/Black (MHOH#8: Take a seat)

He's Bringing Sexy Back!
Hair: Bryce ~ Frankie - Coffees - Espresso (MHOH#13: That best not land on my head!)
Shirt and Tie: ~ENGLISH ELEMENT~ HALF & HALF (MHOH#45: Go to the corner, bad boy!)
(Part of this) INDI Designs MHOH Gift (MHOH#38: Go to the mens department)

Skin: BeReal *Exclusive Max Skin* (MHOH#2: I feel to hairy, time for a shave.)
Outfit including Necklace and Belt: ::Trixxy's Shop:: Make Him Over Gift (MHOH#15: This item is a must for every man, a special sock! Head up.)
Tattoo: *kARNAL rAGE* - Celtic Heart Tattoo (MHOH#14: Look up!)
Ears and Tail: KOSH- NEKO SET - TAIL AND EARS- SCRIPTED (freebie)

A bit laid back and relaxed..
Skin: Signature Skins - <> FADE_TONE 2_CHIN PATCH by: Simple Spad (not free but worth every linden!)
Shirt: DYN Marvin Cardigan with tee (MHOH# 28: Make sure your in the right department, and buy a new cardigan.)
Pants: ::Maschienenwerk:: Black-Detroit *Jeans (low-rise) (0L)
BeReal // Linez Sneaker (MHOH#2: I feel to hairy, time for a shave.)

Someone to go sailing with on a Sunday..
Outfit: [W&B] MHO Hunt: Yacht Club (MHOH#51: What a show off, on such a big display!)
Flip Flops: Frugalista Tsinelas -Dice Hustler Flip Flops For Men (10L)

Someone who's brainy can still dress oh so nicely...
Skin: Signature Skins - <> FADE_TONE 2_CHIN PATCH by: Simple Spad (not free but worth every linden!)
Outfit including the Bag and Belt: Zoobong & Caliente MHOH Gift (MHOH#46: More plant lovin!)
Shoes: [ hoorenbeek ] Converse - Men - Beige/Black (MHOH#8: Take a seat)

This is the BossMan!
Skin: Signature Skins - <> FADE_TONE 2_CHIN PATCH by: Simple Spad (not free but worth every linden!)
Shirt and Tie: sf design performance shirt and tie (MHOH#16: This symbol suits me.)
*Valiant* Black Executive Pants (from their past freebie bag)

Hope you give your man or yourself a nice make over with these style cards!

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